“We don’t accept jerks over here!” – How one company changed the work environment and what it means.

Dear Readers,

Last time we discovered how positive thinking could bring better results in both life & business. Now it is time to explore the other side of the coin – what if you are negative?

A lot of the times business is less about processes, policies or technology, it’s about the people. You might make lifelong friendship with one of your co-workers and hate somebody else’s guts at the same time. The former boosts productivity as you have a helping hand, there are no conflicts and things get done. However, the latter relationship always leaves you high and dry with that report or presentation at 2AM in the morning.

One company has taken a closer look at the importance of human relations in a work environment. Their study & results revolutionised the way they operate and perform today. SuccessFactors (the one I mentioned) has a 0 tolerance policy for being rude to your work colleagues or not fitting into the organisation as a whole. Through developing a system, generally known as the “no-jerk” rule, SuccessFactors ensured to eliminate slackers and “in your face” situations. Whenever an employee spots violations of their“14 rules of engagement code” they flag it up directly with that person or the CEO. One of them has recently brought it up to the CEO himself being a “jerk.” In other companies this would have been his last word before being let go, here he has received praise for it.

The case study of SuccessFactors may be controversial and seem unrealistic to take into action at your workplace, however the tripled market growth, boost in sales, new client recommendations and overall development of the company demonstrate that it has not been such a bad idea after all.

Chris Dargiewicz

Vocab dictionary:

  1. Explore – zbadać; odkryć
  2. Other side of the coin – druga strona medalu
  3. Lifelong –  dozgonny
  4. Hate somebody’s guts – nienawidzić kogoś
  5. Former – pierwszy w kolejności; poprzedni
  6. Latter – drugi w kolejności; następny
  7. Operate – sposób prowadzenia
  8. Perform – wykonywać; działać
  9. 0 tolerance policy – zasada “zero tolerancji” dla danego zachowania
  10. Rude – niegrzeczny/niemiły
  11. Fit into – pasować; należeć do
  12. As a whole – jako całość/w całości
  13. Jerk – kretyn
  14. Eliminate – wyeliminować; pozbyć się
  15. Slacker – próżniak
  16. In your face – brak szacunku; bycie bardzo bezpośrednim
  17. To spot –zauważyć; dostrzec
  18. Engagement – zaangażowanie
  19. Flag sthg. up – zgłosić; zaalarmować;
  20. Bring sthg. up – przytoczyć
  21. To be let go – zostać zwolnionym
  22. Praise – pochwała
  23. Take sthg. into action – przejść od słów do czynów
  24. Tripled – potrójny
  25. Market growth – rozwój rynkowy
  26. Boost – wzmocnienie; przyśpieszenie
  27. Sales – sprzedaż
  28. Demonstrate – demonstrować; pokazywać
  29. After all – mimo wszystko

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