Weird 2020 Stats :P
It’s a tad too predictable to do just the same-old thing every Monday, don’t you think? So here’s something a little different; how about this time, we check a handful of weird stats and facts?
For instance, did you know that…
♣ in January 2020, there were 1.2 billion websites in the world? That’s active, working, visited webpages. It means that for every 7 people in the world there’s a completely unique website! And you thought you were a beautiful snowflake…
♦ a person can drive around 80 times under the influence (DUI) before getting caught? This is a truly sobering statistic (but hopefully not to many of us).
♠ 90% of all email messages are, in fact, spam? It means that no matter how many tedious emails you send out (including CYA’s) a day, a busy spambot will work nine times as hard, making some companies a lot more money in ad revenue. All your spam are belong to us!

But kidding aside, here’s a few legit business stats for this year:
- In January 2020, the most popular search phrase was “how to start a business”.
- Sadly, just a few months later, 43% of small businesses folded – either temporarily or permanently in the wake of the pandemic.
- And the shining light at the end of the tunnel is that 8 months into the pandemic, it takes about 7 days to do what previously required 2-3 years in terms of realigning a business to new needs. We’ve gotten more flexible across business landscape, even if the landscape itself has changed quite dramatically.
Stay tuned! We’ll have even more weird, interesting and surprising little factoids and statistics soon (and more than a few cringe-worthy puns to boot!).

a tad – odrobinę
predictable – przewidywalny
same-old X – taki sam X, do znudzenia
webpage – witryna
unique – unikalny
driving under the influence (DUI) – prowadzenie pod wpływem (narkotyków, substancji odurzających, alkoholu)
to get caught – zostać przyłapanym
sobering – wstrząsający, trzeźwiący (np. fakt)
tedious – nudny, uciążliwy
CYA (cover-your-ass e-mail) – e-mail „dupokryjka”
spambot – robot wysyłający spam
to work nine times as hard – pracować dziewięć razy ciężej
ad revenue – przychody/wpływy z reklam
kidding aside… – żarty na bok…
legit (legitimate) – autentyczny, prawdziwy
stat (statistic) – statystyka
to fold – splajtować
temporarily – tymczasowo
permanently – na stale
in the wake of sth – w rezultacie czegoś, wskutek czegoś
shining light at the end of the tunnel – światełko w tunelu
in terms of sth – pod względem czegoś
to realign sth – przestawić coś
flexible – elastyczny
landscape – krajobraz
stay tuned! – tu: nie przestawajcie do nas zaglądać!
factoid – ciekawostka
cringe-worthy – obciachowy
pun – żart, kalambur
X to boot! – X na dokładkę, X dodatkowo
by Prochor Aniszczuk