Best Start-up Ideas in 2019 and Beyond
It’s almost middle of the year, so what have you done so far in 2019, read something good, picked up a new hobby? These are all well and good, but don’t you want something more in life? I know, how about starting a new business? Folk over at can help you out!
So, get this: they have not one, but 13 top-notch, guaranteed-not-to-fail, primo ideas for a new business. To top it all off, getting most of these up and running won’t cost you an arm and a leg. In fact, they should need very little upfront investment, but bring you a tidy sum just a few months after the launch. Provided, that is, you heed the advice and venture out into the wild yonder of the business world.
No 13. Personal health app.
You’ve heard of Strava and Endomondo, right? Mobile apps to do with health and fitness are projected to grow big time over the coming years. Predictions are the market will be worth upwards of USD 11 bln. Personally, I’m partial to fitness tracking apps that also give you valuable insight into your health, plus have an interactive coach to get you through your paces. Just don’t forget regular check-ups with an actual doctor…
- Cost to start: a healthy 10 000 USD in start-up costs.
- Full cost: 450 000 USD (not that cheap!) to fully develop.
- Revenues: Six figures.
No 12. Luxury pet care.
So pets are, we can all agree, a costly, but amazingly rewarding hobby. That’s also a booming USD 22 bln market out there for grooming, walkies, toys, medicine, you name it. How do you stand out? You provide cutting-edge, invite-only, exclusive pet services. Maybe you hire a celebrity to walk the dog? Maybe you fly in a Parisian coiffeur just to give a customer’s schnauzer a trim? Up to you.
- Cost to start: 30 000 USD to give it a paw-up.
- Full cost: 2.6 million with the aid of angel investors.
- Revenues: Six figures.
No 11. Microblading!
Apparently it’s all the rage in salons the world over. I confess to being somewhat ignorant on this subject, but they say it involves using tiny blades to cut the skin near and inside your brow area, inserting pigment that mimics the colour and shape of the brows, and then staying gorgeous for up to two years without any daily touch-ups with an eyebrow pencil. Apparently, it’s a huge deal these days. So much so that gals splash out 200 GBP on brows alone annually. Imagine cashing in on that? You don’t have to – anyone can start their own microblading business right away (just be careful with the eyes, okay?).
- Cost to start: 1,000-2,000 GBP
- Cost to fully develop: Depends – this is a surgical procedure, basically.
- Revenues: over 130,000 USD in the first year.
No 10. Toys for BAME tots.
Inclusivity and ethnic diversity are key phrases these days, not just some PC jargon. Our societies grow multicultural and multifaceted, so you may as well have a slice of that exotic cake, too. The toy market in the UK is amazingly vibrant and is valued at GBP 3,4 bln. Fancy making a few bob AND your world a better, more friendly place for people of every race, creed and colour? You can make that happen! Target in the US already tried it, and it was a smashing success. There is still plenty of room in this niche this side of the Atlantic, too!
- Cost to start: Not a lot of moolah – just USD 18,000 in crowdfunding.
- Full cost: Upwards of USD 1 mln
- Revenues: Six figures.
No 9. Online coaching, online consultancy services.
Forbes provides a veritable smorgasbord of nifty ideas on the subject, but remember: this is the one market that has been thriving (and so, very, very crowded) for many years now. You’ll definitely need your own hook, something that makes you stand out. Maybe coaching for sufferers from e-sport contusions? Online consultancy for people who love to procrastinate (though maybe not quite now, how about later?)? The sky is the (online) limit.
- Cost to start: First hire your own online coach, and go from there. About 10-20k USD.
- Full cost: Unknown
- Revenues: At least the cost of investment back.
No 8. US Sports abroad.
Believe it or not, EU is not just crazy about soccer, people here love baseball and basketball, too. These two pastimes are nearly completely US-centric, but in a surprising twist, this year sees major MLB and NBA games hit it off on our side of the Pond. Now is the perfect time to start your own American-flavoured sports business. Even a fantasy baseball league (online variant) would definitely be a good start. Perhaps starting your own sports paraphernalia store specialized in baseball gear would be akin to knocking it out of the park?
- Cost to start: A slam dunk at USD 30,000 – 60,000, e.g. you can start your own youth franchise.
- Full cost: Unknown
- Revenues: 500,000 USD
No 7. Macramé plant-art.
This one does not sound like something from the XXI century, but since everything nowadays is retro or vintage (fads come and go, after all), so too have macrame plant-holders come back. Don’t expect it to be super lucrative, but expect to turn your hobby or art into a legitimate business.
- Cost to start: The cost of needles and yarn, of course.
- Full cost: No more than cost to start.
- Revenues: Expect to sell what you make – so anything over the cost-to-make. Judging by how well pot plant start-ups do (5 mil in series-A investment round), it can be a pretty good business.
No 6. Getting off the grid.
Millennials are digital natives, but sometimes even they get fed up with screens and gadgetry. So much so that digital detox is now a popular (and even absolutely sought-after) thing. And a multimillion-dollar market, to boot. How do you make money online from something that is ostensibly about avoiding the Internet or stressing out over business? At 600 USD a day (not counting vegan meals), retreats like that that are decidedly phone-unfriendly (and, in fact, block out all wi-fi and GSM signals) are a big hit – have been for decades now, actually.
- Cost to start: Similar to a small boutique hotel.
- Full cost: Similar to a spa or mountain retreat.
- Revenues: Six figures or more. The biggest executives out there are very, very fond of digital detox and can pay through the nose to just get some much-needed peace and quiet away from Facebook, email or even TV.
No 5. Making broken things beautiful: kintsugi.
Ancient (well, 14th century at least) Japanese art and lifestyle phenomenon, kintsugi is about repairing broken ceramics with gold and lacquer. The original concept has taken on a new meaning in our modern life, with people generally understanding how broken things may need repair instead of replacement. This can be turned into a traditional craftsmanship business, but that requires a lot of patience – it sometimes takes an artisan months to fix one small porcelain cup. You can, however, cash in on popular ideas of upcycling (reusing and refurbishing old, worn-out things like furniture) and circular economy. This last one is about sharing your old things with others who may need them instead of throwing stuff away. Treat this as an inspiration – there are few start-ups out there still, but there is a real need and demand for services of that type.
- Cost to start: Unknown
- Full cost: Unknown
- Revenues: Unknown
No 4. Custom-made beauty products.
In our modern society so many things are custom-made it’s almost terrifying. Apparently, if you are rich (or even slightly wealthy) you can have your very own cosmetics and beauty care products, tailored to your exact specific needs. It’s more than just picking the right shampoo for your type of hair – it’s about creating something with your favourite scent, with just the right consistency, in a colour that you find pleasing. Sounds like something odd? Well, start-ups for bespoke beauty products are hitting it big already. Homemade soap, for example, is a well-established market, with tons of literature and know-how. So, find your customers and give them what they want. Sounds logical. It’s not all hogwash, no sir!
- Cost to start: Similar to any make-at-home cosmetics workshop (e.g. make your own soap, candles etc.)
- Full cost: Varies
- Revenues: Slow at first, will pick up once you build an app or website.
No 3. Sharing economy – thriftier everyday lives.
Similar to the above practice of kintsugi, in the shared economy everyone helps everyone else, becoming both receiver and producer of goods, and both supplier and user of services. Since financial prudence is now all the rage, an online app or service for those with a mind to save is a no-brainer. Maybe you can start social network for used clothes? How about an app to give out old junk that just sits in your house gathering dust? This is an inspiration to a new generation of shared-economy entrepreneurs.
- Cost to start: Unknown
- Full cost: Unknown
- Revenues: Unknown
No 2. Replacing plastics.
Plastic is the buzzword of this decade. It has become a very potent and very viral ecological issue that is now on everybody’s lips. Opportunity to make money and help the planet awaits! Despite the fact that we have clear goals (such as simply not using straws and trying to reuse as much existing plastic as possible), we are still reliant on plastics due to how cheap and easy they are to make. If you can come up with an alternative substance or way of disposing of plastics, you are probably going to become modern-day saint. Oh, and you’ll make Elon Musk-level mountain of dosh on top of that. Let’s hope all this money isn’t made from plastic, though.
- Cost to start: Any government agency and nearly every major business out there will help you out with financing if you are onto something revolutionary.
- Full cost: As above.
- Revenues: Six, seven figures? The world’s your oyster if you help solve the plastics issue.
No 1. Foods from plants.
Plastic is, of course, current global scourge, but we have a bigger fish to fry as a species. Or rather we won’t, quite soon. Projections are grim: we will face a shortage of protein sources since farm-based economy just won’t be able to support the growing population. Any new source of edible protein or any plant-based food that grows fast is more than welcome; it can probably save us all from extinction in the long run. So not very surprisingly, there are quite a few start-ups already working on that. It’s a 90 bln market that is desperate for alternatives to meat. If you approach the issue creatively, you can really break the bank. Alternative food dyes from seaweed? Preservatives made from all-natural ingredients only? Simple ways to help grow protein-rich plants? We’ll let you chew on that one.
- Cost to start: Highly variable.
- Full cost: As above.
- Revenues: Potentially astronomical. Literally – plant-based foods can be used to feed astronauts or Mars colonists, for example.
So, which one of these ideas are you going to turn into a start-up? Just don’t forget who’d put you on to this once you’ve hit the big time!
sth is all well and good, but… – wszystko to ładnie, pięknie, ale…
folk – ludzie (ogólnie)
top-notch – doskonały, pierwszorzędny
primo – świetny, super (pot.)
to top it all off… – co więcej, ponadto
to get sth up and running – uruchomić coś, rozwinąć (np. interes)
to cost sb an arm and a leg – kosztować kogoś krocie
upfront – z góry, awansem
tidy sum – niezła sumka
provided,… – pod warunkiem, że…
to heed sb’s advice – posłuchać czyjejś rady
to venture out somewhere – udać się gdzieś (w nieznane)
wild yonder – dzicz, dalekie i niezbadane
sth is projected to grow – prognozuje się, że coś wzrośnie/będzie zwyżkować
big time – tu: ogromnie, w ogromnym stopniu
prediction – prognoza, przewidywanie
upwards of X – powyżej X
partial to sth – mający słabość do czegoś
insight into sth – wgląd w coś, wartościowe informacje o czymś
to get sb through their paces – sprawić, że ktoś musi się napocić/wysilić
check-up – badanie kontrolne
healthy – przyzwoity, niezły (o sumce)
six figures – kwota/suma sześciocyfrowa
rewarding – dający satysfakcję
booming – przeżywający boom/rozkwit
grooming – szczotkowanie, oporządzanie (zwierzęcia)
walkies – spacerek (z psem)
…you name it – cokolwiek chcesz, absolutnie wszystko
to stand out – wyróżniać się
cutting-edge – najnowocześniejszy
celebrity – gwiazda, znakomitość
to fly sb in – zorganizować komuś przelot gdzieś
Parisian – paryski
coiffeur – fryzjer, stylista (franc.)
schnauzer – sznaucer
trim – przycinanie, podcięcie
paw – łapka, łapa
sth is all the rage – coś jest absolutnym hitem, wszyscy szaleją na punkcie czegoś
salon – salon urody
the world over – na całym świecie
to confess to doing sth – przyznać się, że się coś robi/jest jakimś
to mimic sth – naśladować coś
gorgeous – śliczny, cudny
touch-up – tu: podmalowanie (się), poprawienie makijażu
eyebrow pencil – kredka do brwi
sth is a huge deal – coś jest niezwykle popularne, coś jest bardzo modne (pot.)
so much so that… – na tyle, że…, w tak (wielkim) stopniu, że…
gal – dziewczyna (pot., arch.)
to splash out X – wybulić X
annually – rocznie
to cash in on sth – zarobić na czymś
right away – od razu, natychmiast
surgical – chirurgiczny
BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) – osoby czarnoskóre, rasy azjatyckiej i mniejszości etniczne (o osobach innej rasy, niż biała, w UK)
tot – maluch, brzdąc (pot., UK)
inclusivity – tolerancja, wsparcie integracji osób różnych ras i narodowości w społeczeństwie
diversity – różnorodność
PC (political correctness) – poprawność polityczna
jargon – żargon
multifaceted – mający wiele aspektów
slice – kawałek (np. ciasta)
vibrant – żywy
to fancy sth – chcieć czegoś, mieć chęć na coś (pot., UK)
to make a few bob – zarobić trochę grosza (pot., UK)
creed – wyznanie
smashing – kapitalny, fantastyczny (UK)
niche – nisza
moolah – szmal, kasa (pot.)
veritable – istny, prawdziwy
smorgasbord – ogromny wybór
nifty – fajowy, ekstra
thriving – kwitnący, dobrze prosperujący
hook – tu: coś specjalnego/unikalnego (czym może się pochwalić tylko ktoś), specjalność
sufferer from X – cierpiący na X
to procrastinate – odkładać rzeczy na później
the sky is the limit – nie ma granic możliwości, możliwości są nieograniczone
pastime – hobby, sposób na spędzanie czasu
X-centric – zorientowany na X, skupiający się w/na X
in a surprising twist – nieoczekiwany zwrot akcji
MLB (Major League Baseball) – Pierwsza liga baseballu (w USA)
to hit it off – świetnie się przyjąć (o czymś), przypaść (sobie) do gustu (o kimś)
the Pond – sadzawka (pot. o Atlantyku)
X-flavoured – o X smaku (UK)
paraphernalia – akcesoria, sprzęt
gear – wyposażenie, akcesoria (np. sportowe)
akin to sth – podobny do czegoś
to knock it out of the park – doskonale sobie poradzić, wykonać doskonałą robotę (US)
slam dunk – wrzucenie kosza (w koszykówce) od góry, perfekcyjne i bardzo imponujące działanie (US)
franchise – franszyza, marka i wszystko, co się z nią wiąże
macramé – makrama, coś wykonanego tą techniką
nowadays – obecnie
vintage – wintażowy, retro
fad – chwilowa moda
plant-holder – podstawka/podwieszka na kwiat (doniczkowy)
to turn sth into sth – zmienić coś w coś
legitimate – prawdziwy, autentyczny
yarn – włóczka
cost-to-make – koszt wytworzenia, koszt produkcji
pot plant – roślina doniczkowa
series-A investment round – pierwsza runda inwestycyjna (w finansowaniu nowego przedsięwzięcia)
to get off the grid – usunąć się ze świata elektroniki/łączności, wyjść z sieci
digital native – osoba, która urodziła się i wychowała w epoce Internetu
fed up with sth – mający czegoś dość, mający po dziurki w nosie czegoś
gadgetry – gadżety
digital detox – cyfrowa detoksykacja, odstawienie elektroniki i Internetu w celu oczyszczenia psychiki
sought-after – bardzo poszukiwany
…, to boot – na dodatek, ponadto
to make money – zarabiać pieniądze
ostensibly – pozornie, rzekomo
retreat – wyjazd (daleki, w ustronne i zaciszne miejsce)
decidedly – zdecydowanie
to block sth out – zablokować coś
boutique hotel – hotel butikowy
executive – członek kadry zarządzającej, menadżer wyższego szczebla
fond of sth – lubiący coś, gustujący w czymś
to pay through the nose – zapłacić jak za zboże
ancient – starożytny
phenomenon – zjawisko
lacquer – lakier
to take on a new meaning – nabrać nowego sensu/znaczenia
replacement – zamiana, wymiana
craftsmanship – rękodzieło
patience – cierpliwość
artisan – rzemieślnik
upcycling – odnawianie i odświeżanie rzeczy starych (szczególnie w sposób, który zwiększa znacząco ich wartość)
refurbishing – odnowa, odświeżenie (produktu, mebla itp.)
worn-out – zużyty
stuff – rzeczy
custom-made – stworzony/zrobiony na zamówienie
terrifying – straszny
slightly – odrobinę
tailored to sth – dostosowany do czegoś, dopasowany
scent – zapach
consistency – konsystencja
pleasing – przyjemny
bespoke – zrobiony na indywidualne zamówienie
to hit it big – odnosić sukcesy, mieć wzięcie/powodzenie
homemade – domowej roboty
well-established – o ugruntowanej pozycji
hogwash – bzdury, brednie (pot., UK)
workshop – warsztat
to pick up – nabrać rozpędu, przyspieszyć; wzrosnąć, urosnąć
thrifty – oszczędny
prudence – rozwaga, roztropność
with a mind to do sth – myślący o czymś, zastanawiający się nad czymś
no-brainer – rzecz oczywista, coś oczywistego
junk – śmieci
entrepreneur – przedsiębiorca
buzzword – modne słówko, słowo-klucz
on everybody’s lips – na ustach wszystkich
reliant on sth – polegający na czymś, zależny od czegoś
to come up with sth – wymyśleć coś, wpaść na coś
to dispose of sth – pozbyć się czegoś
modern-day – współczesny, naszych czasów
dosh – kasa, szmal (UK)
to be onto sth – wpaść na coś niezwykłego
the world is your oyster – świat stoi przed tobą otworem
scourge – plaga, zakała
to have a bigger fish to fry – mieć poważniejszy problem
species – gatunek
grim – ponury
to face sth – musieć stawić czemuś czoła
shortage – niedobór, brak
edible – jadalny
extinction – wymarcie
in the long run – na dłuższą metę
desperate for sth – desperacko poszukujący/potrzebujący czegoś
to break the bank – rozbić bank
dye – barwnik
seaweed – wodorosty morskie
preservative – konserwant
to let sb chew on sth – pozwolić, by ktoś mocno się nad czymś zastanowił, dać komuś chwilę na przemyślenie czegoś
to hit the big time – osiągnąć wielki sukces
by Prochor Aniszczuk